A wide range of oral bacteria, but does not occur under normal circumstances oral diseases, because there are oral defense mechanism. Oral defense mechanisms include the role of oral anatomy and physiological barriers, humoral antibody and cell-mediated response, leukocyte and macrophage phagocytosis.
1 Oral Anatomy and physiology barrier: a physical barrier effect of the following aspects:
① Oral mucosa: is composed of stratified squamous epithelium. Under normal physiological conditions, epithelial cells are constantly updated, instead of new keratinized epithelial tissue epithelial tissue, oral bacteria can be replaced by keratinized epithelium and shed into the saliva in the mouth with phlegm discharge. This has played a limited role in the metabolism of bacteria number and type of role.
② Mouth chewing and swallowing is a protection function. Attached to the occlusal surface of the bacteria in the teeth, by chewing the food, along with food and saliva to be swallowed.
③ Teeth protection is through the growth and the formation of dentin and pulp protective role.
④ Defense function of saliva is due to saliva contains lysozyme, while lysozyme has antibacterial properties.
⑤ GCF is inflammatory secretions, has a protective role of the gums. GCF out carrying out oral epithelial shedding, impeding microbial access to the ditch, is Dental Reviews closely related to the prevention of gum disease. GCF also contains urea, and urea can inhibit plaque formation.
2. Humoral antibody and cell-mediated response: antibodies are stimulated by the antigen, the antigen can be bacterial, it can damage the mouth of a substance. Different antigens produce different antibodies, medically known as specific antibodies.
3 Cell-mediated response: the cellular immune response. Cells specific to T cells, T cells in the immune process, play a mediating role in the middle.
4 Leukocyte phagocytosis: a phagocytic cell function mainly refers to white blood cells. Phagocytic cell function related to the number and size. The number of white blood cells in the early morning and lowest at night, increasing during the day. It helps control oral bacteria, and are the main oral defense barrier.
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