Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Be careful with drugs against big teeth whitening

Looking at the stars, models Baican Can teeth, many people envy. They tried many ways, is to have a crystal white teeth, teeth whitening is so sought after by more and more people. Laser whitening, whitening drugs, dental paste, etc., are way more people to choose.

Recently, a dental expert said, teeth whitening with drugs, must be careful, otherwise there will be a lot of side effects.

According to experts, which is currently on the market to sell the product ingredients in teeth whitening, and more with a certain concentration of hydrogen dental equipment peroxide or silica. Although these chemicals can corrode the surface of the tooth color, but also on the tooth itself and the surrounding oral tissues also have a corrosive effect.

Consumer product use of these drugs may produce the following side effects:

1. Allergic reactions, such as tooth ache, fear of cold, etc.;

2. Serious cases can cause gum capillary congestion, swelling, etc.;

3. Teeth bleaching, gloss may not be natural, and can not get the desired tooth whitening effect.

Compared to teeth whitening, the dentist recommended that you better wash your teeth every year, in addition to daily brushing can not remove the plaque and calculus removal, the scaling solution can smoke, drink coffee to bring mild discoloration of the teeth problems.

Monday, 24 October 2011

White teeth, not on health

Many people getting yellow teeth, dental hygiene with the use of acquired habits. As long-term smokers who drink coffee tea, teeth will turn yellow. Dental Hospital, experts suggest, in addition to the usual attention to cleaning teeth thoroughly twice a day, the scaling approach can be taken to remove tartar.

Hospital in the mouth, scaling and cleaning teeth can be called sandblasting, the principle is the small particles of silicon dioxide, wherein the teeth, the use of physical methods to rub off the tooth surface soot, tea scale. Gargle with vinegar and teeth whitening methods, the scaling will not cause corrosion of the teeth, but also the prevention of periodontal disease, is a recommended practice. But at most once a year wash, because often scaling, will cause the tooth surface is worn, the teeth become rough.

In general, children's teeth as transparency, thus showing a milky white, transparent and permanent teeth in adults, so the surface is not so white teeth, but slightly dental supplies yellowish. Thus, not only vary the color of teeth, because the permanent teeth will vary. Therefore, the Dental Hospital experts remind us that can not simply be considered white teeth or yellow teeth, "teeth mouth good."

Mouth to speak, a very beautiful white teeth. However, from health point of view, white teeth, it is not healthy. Experts pointed out that the dental hospital, dental health and appearance or the color does not necessarily linked, as the skin, as it was born white yellow was born.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Leading cause of periodontal atrophy

Leading cause of periodontal atrophy

Lead to periodontal atrophy is mainly due to: the neck of dental calculus on teeth gums oppression; the parts of the teeth or long-term disuse due to systemic factors; not bring the correct method of brushing the mechanical stimulation; restoration oppression gums and so on.

1. Longer clinical crowns, root surface exposure, back cold, hot, sweet and other stimuli have dentin hypersensitivity phenomenon. Tooth gap increases, but there is no inflammation and periodontal pocket.

2. Senile atrophy is a full-mouth periodontal alveolar bone height even lower, accompanied by the retreat of the gums without significant local factors and inflammation, is a normal physiological phenomenon. If this phenomenon is not commensurate with the age old young man called early periodontal atrophy.

3. Periodontal disuse atrophy, X-ray examination dental supplies revealed periodontal space narrowing, medical. Science Education Network collected loose bone, bone marrow cavity increases, the bony plates are not clear and so the lack of functional stimulation of atrophy.

4. Mechanical atrophy more common in patients with horizontal brushing habits, occurred in 543 | 345 neck and a wedge-shaped defect. If restoration of other oppressed, food impaction, etc., can cause gingivitis and periodontal pocket formation.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

The advantage of gold porcelain teeth

Gold dental porcelain by 88.7% of gold production gold metallic crown porcelain teeth, porcelain teeth is one of the most popular. Gold porcelain teeth of the biggest advantages is the unique gold color, ceramic color results are satisfactory, high strength is not off the porcelain.

Gold with precious metal porcelain dental excellent performance, chemical stability, can not easily be oxidized and decomposed, so do not stimulate the gums, does not cause gum discoloration. Because gold is higher than normal strength porcelain dental porcelain materials, so the combination with the ceramic powder is also a strong force, not easily de-porcelain dental restoration, more physiological functions. In addition, gold has a buffering effect on the ability of special physical properties, so hard to chew, the less prone to abutment teeth pain Dental Supplies.

Adapt to a wide range of gold porcelain teeth, especially for the age of 18 years of age, crooked teeth, missing dentition, missing teeth, teeth too broad, tetracycline, dental fluorosis and other oral disease. Gold dental porcelain is ceramic deposition of foreign latest technology, which consists of all computer sensor system design, through the plating apparatus, the use of direct current gold ion-plated electrolytic deposition of a layer of gold content of 99.9% pure gold base crown.

It is understood that the gold teeth for porcelain, because gold can better protect the abutment, so gold deposit has excellent biocompatibility, to avoid allergic reactions, and preventing long-term gold color around the gums. In addition, gold deposition also has excellent edge adaptation, available in the clinical effects of long-lasting repair. In aesthetics, the gold deposition also has a unique charm, warm golden tone gold deposition the gold crown with a natural, realistic, beautiful and realistic effects, meet the aesthetic requirements.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

What response to acute pulpitis?

Dental pulp tissue (nerve, blood vessels, lymphatic, connective tissue) inflammation known as pulpitis. Further development of severe dental caries over the pulp and the degree of tolerance to chemical stimulation, trauma, periodontal disease can lead to pulpitis pulpitis have a different type, one of the most typical symptoms of acute suppurative pulpitis, the most intense pain it causes.
Acute pulpitis teeth when paroxysmal, radioactive sharp pain, aggravated at night, it is unbearable. Early pulpitis, pain, time is short, intermittent long time, to the late inflammation, pain for a long time, intermittent short time, the pain may radiate to the ipsilateral neck, face and ears. When the teeth in case of hot and cold stimulation, can stimulate or exacerbate the pain, when the entire pulp tissue suppurative inflammation, intense pain into persistent pain.
1. Open pulp pain: open pulp emergency decompression is the principle of the canal to reduce the pressure, the inflammatory exudate to drainage, the pain can quickly reduce or disappear, open pulp after a dip in the cave up there analgesics (such as clove oil) and a small cotton Dental Supplies ball in order to achieve lasting pain relief purposes, and cut off from the outside world directly added to the surface of the exposed pulp stimulation. In addition, acupuncture pain, pain medications can be used as adjuvant therapy.
2. Endodontic treatment: Depending on the degree of inflammation of the corresponding pulp pulp treatment.
(1) permanent preservation of early treatment of pulpitis can Zuohuo marrow.
(2) early treatment of pulpitis can be used for mummification.
(3) late pulpitis plastics can be used for pulp or root canal treatment.
Pulpitis pain prevention and nursed back to health
1. Thorough treatment of dental caries, prevention of the occurrence of pulpitis.
2. Timely, thorough treatment of pulpitis.

Friday, 14 October 2011

Porcelain teeth should pay attention to what to do

Experts, the metal has two major porcelain tooth structure, the inner layer is a metal, the outer layer is a ceramic body. Porcelain teeth done before most of the metal layer of nickel-chromium alloy (stainless steel a) made. Nickel-chromium alloy of nickel ion instability, easy free to the gums, so that red, swollen gums, pain, bleeding, a long time will be black. Allergic people would be physical metal allergies, skin and mucous membranes caused by rash, itching. Of course, the clinical use of the materials are in line with safety requirements, even if there is a small amount of metal deposition will not cause "poisoning", but not fatal, do not panic. As long as doctors get rid of oral stimuli, removal of nickel-chromium alloy porcelain teeth, put on precious metals, or all-ceramic porcelain teeth, you can eliminate the symptoms. But the latter costs much higher.
Experts advise that people dentures, be sure to stay in mind, whether aware of their physical reactions, such as whether a child has asthma, encounter pollen, dust, paint or broad beans are allergic to. If fear can do first allergy test, rule out sensitization materials. Patients should try to Dental Supplies better health conditions, mature technology specialist dental hospital or large hospital denture. As the brittle ceramic, porcelain teeth installed, should be minimal to eat crabs, bones and other food too hard.

In recent years, porcelain teeth do become a fashion, but "dentures allergy" has become troubled patients 'ills' one. Ms. Huang government agencies working in over his teeth to dental hospital recently, six months ago, Ms. Huang made the front teeth because of tetracycline porcelain teeth. Unexpectedly, beautiful teeth, and gums began swelling, pain, bleeding. Although this population so that teeth have spent nearly 5,000 yuan Wong, but she insisted that all the knock down, start again.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Scaling of the pros and cons

Many patients will come out after asking the same question: Scaling please? Her friends are very concerned about this topic.

Since many people do not develop good oral hygiene habits, sooner or later, or not brushing teeth the correct way, the mouth of food debris and the natural flora of the mouth may combine to form plaque on the tooth surface. If we do not promptly clean, plaque will be Dental Instruments with people of calcium ions in saliva into a plaque calcification, the two are most of the toothache, bad breath, bleeding gums, loose teeth fall off and so the culprit. Adults due to scaling, for the mouth and teeth clean is very good, and it is necessary because in the long form of the oral plaque and calculus, can not be removed by brushing, only through the scaling of these remove dirt.

Scaling the best technology is ultrasonic scaling. The principle is to use ultrasonic scaling high-frequency head cleaning teeth will accumulate tartar on the teeth shattered removed, lift the pressure on the gums. However, scaling the most important addition to the professional is more important than technology is sterile, so the drug because of bleeding scaling very cautious. If sterilization is not complete there will be transfected with the possibility of disease. So when you decide that you need after scaling concern is sterilization. We use Italian Chengdu imported dental autoclaves, sterilization by high temperature and pressure to achieve good disinfection. So that patients can be assured that we here in the scaling.
So please for your dental health professional time to the Dental Hospital to be checked. Regular cleanings.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

How to prevent sensitive dentine

For the prevention of dentin hypersensitivity, experts believe that the best way is to develop healthy oral care habits, choose the right toothbrush, adhere to morning and evening brushing, mouthwash after meals, drink acidic drinks and cold food. Dentine has been mild for sensitive people, choose to use anti-sensitivity toothpaste category.

Survey, about three adults is affected by "dentine hypersensitivity" distress, 40 to 60 years is a high-risk population of women than men. Patients with dentine hypersensitivity caused by the stimulus followed by cold (70.6%), acid (47.6%), fever (20.1%), sweet (19.8%), and mechanical brushing (10.5%) and other stimuli.

Dentine hypersensitivity, the hospital is considered Dental Equipment in the mouth "of oral diseases in the cold," refers to the outer layer of tooth enamel is worn, resulting in exposed dentin. When exposed dentine is stimulated, the dentin tubule fluid flow changes, resulting in the pulp cavity by stimulating nerve endings, causing pain.

Experts point out that, if sustained for some time there to eat cold, sour, hot, sweet, there was a sense of tingling or pain; often toothache when brushing your teeth or bleeding; suck cold air there will be weakness in the teeth, pain, and feels like are suffering from dentin hypersensitivity signal.

Monday, 10 October 2011

White Smokers how to keep teeth ?

Many smokers, daily brushing, teeth, why become yellowish, close to the gum around it will be black?

Indeed, tooth brushing can remove surface dirt and bacteria, but there are some residues will be deposited on the tooth surface and secrete a number of sticky substances, when inhaled smoke from the mouth and tooth surface after the adhesive material combination, over time, surface of the teeth to slowly turn yellow or black.

Spots on the teeth of smokers smoke can accelerate the formation of plaque to healthy periodontal tissue destruction. So, quit smoking is to keep your teeth white and an important means of preventing periodontal disease.

If you stop smoking difficult, want to have a white healthy teeth, you have to treat the teeth, should pay more attention to the daily oral hygiene, brushing teeth usually eaten food in a timely manner, learn to use dental floss to remove food debris and the teeth Dental Reviews plaque, mouthwash immediately after smoking. Scaling dental hospital specialist regularly, preferably blast scaling to improve the smoothness of teeth, smoking can slow the rate of plaque formation.

You can also use tooth powder brush your teeth, get up early, brush before bed time. Note that in the diet such as eating celery crude fiber content of vegetables, drink green tea.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

How to treat oral leukoplakia?

How to treat oral leukoplakia?

Oral leukoplakia occurred in the oral mucosa of white macular damage, Department of hyperkeratotic oral mucosal epithelial cells caused by so called oral leukoplakia, referred to as white. This disease is 50 to 60 years for the incidence peak occurred in men. Ministries, such as oral leukoplakia in the lips, tongue, gingival, palate and other mucous membranes can occur, often to the cheeks, tongue, tongue edge is more common.

Initial pale white white, gray, white or shades of uneven white patches, not prominent mucosal surface, as the disease progresses, some slightly higher than the mucosal surface, some clearly above the mucosal surface. Rough surface cracks, clear boundaries, white can also rupture, ulcer or erosion.

Leukoplakia etiology is not yet clear, most scholars believe that the close relationship with local incentives, such as heavy smoking, long-term alcohol consumption, poor oral hygiene, teeth disorders, dental sharp edge, residual roots and crowns, cavities and Dental Reviews other edge , on the buccal and lingual mucosa of mechanical stimulation, or teeth, there are two different prosthesis can be produced in the oral micro-current to stimulate the mucous membranes keratosis. Also suggested that vitamin A deficiency, endocrine disorders and genetic factors, and incidence of white there is a certain relationship.

White spots themselves are generally harmless, but there are also data proved to be cancerous, the cancer rate of 5%, 50 to 70 years old most likely cancerous oral leukoplakia. In white soft, smooth, light color, hand touch is not obvious to warrant the possibility of cancer, if the color is white, the surface becomes rough, and the emergence of chapped, ulcers and other phenomena, is suggestive of the possibility of cancer. Therefore, attention should be on the white spot treatment, treatment methods are:

1. Topical vitamin A, vitamin A or retinoic acid oral tablets, 15 ~ 30mg, help to eliminate epithelial hyperkeratosis. Differentiation can also take some medicine.

2. To have the possibility of cancer patients may consider surgery, coagulation or freezing treatment.

3. Avoid using corrosive substances, due to corrosive substances can promote the risk of cancer, all treatments should be carried out under the guidance of doctors.

4. Also quit smoking, alcohol habits, do not eat spicy food, the elimination of all incentives. As long as active treatment with a doctor, usually can be cured.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Teach you to identify hypertrophic gingivitis

Gingival swelling enlargement, dark red or dark red, soft tissue, probing prone. Spherical nipple protruding gums. Swelling of the gums can often cover the anterior lip of 1 / 3 or more. Because gingival hypertrophy, gingival sulcus deepened to form bags, the bag easily hidden food, easy to breed bacteria, self-cleaning effect is poor, it is inflammation, may have deep discharge. If the body resistance is lowered, there may be single or multiple gingival abscess, particularly in the gingival papilla zone were more common.

Irritating symptoms may have bleeding gums, swollen, bad breath and so on. Late lesions, leaving the gingival hyperplasia due to fiber texture is more tough, but also reduce inflammation, also known as hypertrophic gingivitis.

Hypertrophy occurs during pregnancy gingivitis, pregnancy Dental Reviews gingivitis said. Occasionally, swelling of the gingival papilla into a ball and often pedunculated, said gingival pregnancy tumor. After delivery, hypertrophy of the gums is generally self-limiting.

Some systemic diseases can also occur gingival hypertrophy or hyperplasia of change. Should be noted that identification, such as:

Because white blood cells of leukemia increased deposition in the peripheral blood vessels, causing gingival enlargement.

Vitamin C deficiency gingivitis. The gums were purple, and easy bleeding. In severe cases, gingival necrosis, halitosis obvious.

Long-term use of phenytoin sodium in the patient, gingival hyperplasia may occur, characterized by the buccal, lingual with the gingival hyperplasia, nodular, solid quality, color pale, easy bleeding.