Tuesday, 11 October 2011

How to prevent sensitive dentine

For the prevention of dentin hypersensitivity, experts believe that the best way is to develop healthy oral care habits, choose the right toothbrush, adhere to morning and evening brushing, mouthwash after meals, drink acidic drinks and cold food. Dentine has been mild for sensitive people, choose to use anti-sensitivity toothpaste category.

Survey, about three adults is affected by "dentine hypersensitivity" distress, 40 to 60 years is a high-risk population of women than men. Patients with dentine hypersensitivity caused by the stimulus followed by cold (70.6%), acid (47.6%), fever (20.1%), sweet (19.8%), and mechanical brushing (10.5%) and other stimuli.

Dentine hypersensitivity, the hospital is considered Dental Equipment in the mouth "of oral diseases in the cold," refers to the outer layer of tooth enamel is worn, resulting in exposed dentin. When exposed dentine is stimulated, the dentin tubule fluid flow changes, resulting in the pulp cavity by stimulating nerve endings, causing pain.

Experts point out that, if sustained for some time there to eat cold, sour, hot, sweet, there was a sense of tingling or pain; often toothache when brushing your teeth or bleeding; suck cold air there will be weakness in the teeth, pain, and feels like are suffering from dentin hypersensitivity signal.

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