Thursday, 29 December 2011

Ultrasonic Scaler Misunderstanding

As medical technology advances, methods to maintain oral health is increasing, and in many ways the most direct and effective way to prevent oral diseases ultrasonic scaler, and Dental Hospital Dental Center experts pointed out: now in life, there are some people still have the error of ultrasonic cleaning teeth, let us work together to understand!

Scaling will lead to increased teeth, tooth damage.

People who hold this view, the first is the principle and purpose of scaling do not understand. Currently, hospitals and dental clinics for the regular scaling, through ultrasonic high-frequency oscillation, remove the stones and calcification of the tooth surface dirt, to prevent its further stimulate the gums, bleeding, fear of acid, afraid of sweet, heat intolerance, fear of cold and dental supplies other symptoms, leading to inflammation of the gums. This cleaning of the teeth is no wear and damage. As for the teeth, and this is already there, but for a long time without cleaning your teeth, so that stones to block up.

Scaling to spend time-consuming and uncomfortable, is not necessary.

On a regular basis, "scaling" is an important measure of oral health every six months to one year to the Dental Hospital for cleaning teeth, not only to clear the brush can not afford to calculus, plaque, pigment, thoroughly clean the teeth, maintain oral health, but also early detection Different points during dental care of dental problems, in fact, save money. However, to note that cleaning teeth should be invited well-trained dentist, poor technology, operating non-standard cleaning teeth, not only reach the purpose of cleaning teeth, but also to accelerate plaque deposition.

Wash under the calculus is part of the teeth

Calculus is deposited on the tooth surface is already calcified or calcified plaque and other deposits, it seems as hard scale inside the thermos flask. Supragingival plaque into calculus and subgingival calculus, and more generally for subgingival calculus. Mainly accumulate in the teeth and plaque inside the teeth, the toothbrush is not easy to brush to the side, in fact, take the mirror can be observed, can also be used tongue felt dry clean my teeth and not the net of these sediments.

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