The students are the most common oral disease than tooth decay, which is a cavity. Cavities inside and not insects, but because there is no time to brush our teeth to chew food, food residues in the role of bacteria, fermentation, acid erosion of teeth to dental demineralization, softening, and then slowly to the formation of hollow is dental caries. According to statistics, our children's caries prevalence was 80-90%, and permanent tooth, prevalence was 40%.
Teeth dot com experts, the prevention of dental caries, there are three points: 1, the use of fluoride toothpaste. Low fluoride content in the Beijing area domestic water, fluoride toothpaste is a good supplement. The toothpaste can make teeth more robust, acid can dental supplies inhibit the bacteria, but also increase tooth remineralization.
Scientific proof, long-term use of fluoride toothpaste on the body without any adverse factors, is a safe dental care. 2, pit and fissure sealant. In fact, this is the best way to prevent dental caries. Each person's occlusal surface of posterior teeth (molars) there are always some shades of the ditch, that is, pit and fissure. Pit and fissure sealant is easy to grow in dental caries in advance filled with polymer resin, cut off from the outside cariogenic factors. Pit and fissure sealant effect in the child's molar eruption. Experts recommend that parents can bring their children to the Dental Hospital Prevention Division, pit and fissure. 3, early filling. Found a shallow caries to the hospital as soon as possible after the restorative treatment.
Another effect of students' oral health is the dislocation deformity of the teeth. This is mainly genetic, diet and unhealthy habits. The best orthodontic age 12-14 years old. At this time the deciduous teeth have been replaced by permanent teeth.
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