Abnormal central sharp break or wear and tear, the clinical manifestations of black rings round or oval, with pale yellow or brown central dentin axis; sometimes can be seen in the axis of the central black dot, this point is the pulp horn, but this Even at the application of very fine probe can not probe into. Pulp horn after exposure, which invade the bacteria, infected dental pulp, pulpitis symptoms to appear. If the central conical tip shortly after the eruption of teeth with the jaw contacts that were broken, so that infected pulp necrosis, but also affect the root tips continue to develop, so that root growth from bell-shaped end.
In general, the blunt tip may without prejudice to the center for processing. Sharp central tip and long break or wear is likely caused the pulp exposure, causing toothache. If the tooth eruption and found just such a cusp, can be under anesthesia and strict disinfection, this time Dental Reviews worn out tip, shaped hole and then prepared according to conventional treatment for pulp capping; or in the appropriate adjustment of jaw teeth at the same time , many small adjustment grinding the tip. This prevents excessive wear on the central tip or breaking, and can be formed in the corner enough pulp reparative dentin and pulp from exposed, so as to avoid causing pain.
Abnormal central point can be treated. For complete and has not caused the central tip of pulp disease, you can choose according to one or sub-sub-grinding mill in addition to addition. One mill is in addition to anesthesia and strict disinfection, will wear a one-time addition to abnormal central point, and then prepared hole shape, according to the conventional treatment for pulp capping. In addition to sub-sub-grinding is appropriate to adjust the jaw teeth at the same time, many small mill abnormal central transfer point, the following organizations to stimulate the formation of reparative dentin, polished up until this point basically. If the central point break has caused pulp or periapical lesions, root for the preservation of the teeth and to promote continued development completed under the circumstances, choose to remove the crown in the dental pulp, or removal from the apical 2 mm above the root marrow, and then calcium hydroxide paste for capping or filling, such as root development after the completion of the hospital for treatment.
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