Blind, also known as periodontal pocket bags, located around the teeth, inflammation of periodontal tissue formation. Tooth surface which has no pockets, the probe must be sharp mouth periodontal pocket measuring probe or specialized inspection in order to know whether the periodontal pocket and its depth.
A tooth can have several pockets, medicine will be known as the buccal side of the periodontal pocket, the tongue side of the pocket, close to the periodontal pocket, the distal pocket. If further points down, pocket bags can also be divided into bone and bone bags and so on.
Why share this pocket fine? Because periodontal pocket formation that the tooth had periodontitis, so clinical diagnosis of periodontal pocket is an important indicator of periodontitis, is the result of inflammation.
So how periodontal pocket is formed? Is generally believed that periodontal pocket due to bacterial infection and stimulate the local factors, in particular, plaque Dental Reviews stimulate the gums, causing gum tissue inflammation and necrosis, inflammation continuously along the root to apical direction, so the formation of pathological capsular bag at the same time causing the destruction of alveolar bone. This is easy to keep the plot the capsular bag of food and bacteria, often causing purulent pocket, pocket wall swelling and other symptoms. Therefore, periodontal pocket and gingival sulcus was said to be deepening.
Periodontal pockets of the organization is the granulation of tissue, this tissue is very prone to getting infections, so the pocket can be long-term recurrent infection, not self-healing. If you reach the apical periodontal pocket, leading to tooth loss, periodontal pocket at this time to heal. Why the presence of teeth, periodontal pockets do not heal on their own? Suggested that periodontal pockets there is a substance that can destroy periodontal tissues. It was envisaged that such material is the osteoclast, but after the experimental study of the periodontal pocket, has not yet found the presence of osteoclasts.
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