Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Time to complete root canal treatment

Root canal treatment is a course of treatment for the teeth, dental pulp, and apical lesions. The root canal therapy is appropriate disinfection by removing necrotic material within the root canal, root canal filling to remove the negative stimulus of the contents of the root canal apical surrounding tissue to prevent the occurrence of periapical lesions or promote periapical a lesion healing treatments.

Traditional root canal treatment, generally require three times: root canal preparation, root canal disinfection and root canal filling at intervals of a week or so; however, has been a qualitative leap in the root canal treatment than before, with the forward to the nickel titanium needle, ultrasound, microscopy, thermal gutta use, 3 times synthesized many cases, of course, the actual situation need to consider a number of reasons:

Each tooth more difficult to do root canal therapy, relatively speaking, and the front teeth is relatively simple, the front teeth do a complete relatively, of course, the posterior teeth is once. Another root length of stenosis, bending, etc. will impact on the number of operations of the root canal treatment. Do each tooth root canal treatment is not the same, and in some cases is not time to do, such as apical pus, need to be done separately, let the pus flow out again the next treatment.

In addition, the skills and habits of each doctor is not the same, some doctors prefer a complete, save some time to the patient, some doctors prefer fractionated do. Each patient's physical condition is not the same; some patients are not able to dental supplies tolerate one-time treatment. Medical institutions of the device is not the same as traditional root canal treatment using cold gutta many specialized hospitals and high-end out-patient department with a warm gutta system, the relatively warm gutta once completed higher quality.

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