Wednesday, 8 August 2012

What need to pay attention to dental?

1. Denture after the beginning of wearing dentures patients will have a period of adaptation of the transition period, the patients must not be too hasty, and should be repeated practice, and gradually adapt over time to adapt.

2. Denture after the initial diet should be mainly to the flow of fresh and semi-liquid food, food to avoid too cold, hot or spicy, tobacco and alcohol food.

3. Dental diet from soft to hard to adapt gradually, to adapt to the diet also avoid sticky, excellent food.

4. Denture cleaning of dentures is extremely key different way to clean dentures and fixed prostheses, dentures after each meal to remove dentures clean and thorough cleaning of alveolar bone should dentures every night before going to sleep soaked in water after cleaning removed, fixed dentures, pay attention to the natural teeth clean, things do not pay attention to the cleaning of the dentures and alveolar bone undertake at.

Need to be prepared before the denture?

1. Patients with old age infirmity or physical condition is not good enough, or patients with diseases such as cardiovascular system, unable to tolerate dental defects to repair the operation of the treatment process, restorative treatment should be the appropriate treatment and supportive care.

2. Mental factors in patients with serious psychological disorders, tooth defects with its spiritual, psychological status should be carefully evaluated before the restorative treatment, and can not cope with the treatment have to wait for their treatment improved after repair. In addition, before the repair should pay attention to repair on the patient's motivation, specific requirements, evaluate prosthesis expectations and social medicine-related factors, in order to deal with patients with normal mentality. Psychological preparation and dental supplies objective evaluation of quality, functionality, sensory prosthesis, to avoid prosthesis wear into, resulting in the differences between doctors and patients.

3. Dental defects associated with pulpitis, periodontitis, stomatitis disease processes should be in the repair before the appropriate treatment before making a repair. Malocclusion and temporomandibular joint disease in patients with dental defects should be clear treatment plan or to confirm the above-mentioned diseases without prejudice to repair, do the repair of dental defects.

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