Tuesday 31 January 2012

Children to choose carefully toothpaste

Many parents and children is the same as toothpaste, experts said, when it is very practice. Children brush their teeth it is easy to swallow toothpaste, and now the majority on the market contains fluoride toothpaste, fluoride toothpaste, been able to effectively prevent tooth decay, but also has side effects if used improperly, easily lead to dental fluorosis.

Experts said that although fluoride toothpaste to prevent tooth decay, but the 3-year-old children should be prohibited before the use of fluoride toothpaste for dental supplies children 4-6 years of age should be under the guidance of parents and teachers to use more caution. 7 years old children can use fluoride toothpaste, but pay attention to the belly cannot swallow the toothpaste.

In addition, for safety reasons, brushing should pay attention to the use of toothpaste. At present, China is still relatively low usage of fluoride toothpaste, only 70%, while developed countries up to 90%, therefore, remains to be done to promote the use of fluoride toothpaste. The results are as follows: 3-4-year-old spring and the group of children swallowing toothpaste, toothpaste Front teeth missing, how to grow better accounted for the largest proportion of the amount of up to 80% of even more belly swallowing toothpaste.

Dental experts recommend that children should use age-appropriate toothpaste, and in some areas of high fluoride, fluoride toothpaste is not recommended for children. Moreover, in squeezing toothpaste, the bean size can.

Monday 30 January 2012

How long can dental implant

Dental Hospital, said the experts: the patient's own conditions determine how long the implant can be used, such as plenty of bone (including the height and thickness), bone mineral density suitable, good gingival condition is life long, the opposite is the impact of denture life. So, under normal circumstances, implants can be used for how long?

1. Depends on the experience of planting experts

Plant surgery and remediation requirements of high accuracy, the doctor must be given special study and training. At the same time have some clinical experience in order to properly complete each step of the treatment plant, smooth handling of the treatment process dental supplies encountered a variety of special circumstances, in order to ensure the long-term effects of implants.

2. Depends on the choice of implant system

Dental implant in the production process, shape design, connectivity, processing accuracy, the upper structure, and sterile packaging, etc. There are strict requirements and standards. 20 years of clinical success with the application record. Currently out of new digital 3D dental implant, is very popular in the domestic market.

Swiss ITI dental implant is the current lack of repair in the field of the most advanced and classic cultivation system. Swiss ITI implant system used is the world's Solve the toothache root canal treatment top implant, the industry known as "noble exclusive implant." German kava planting machine is computer-based design and automatic guided laser positioning, making the kinds of teeth from the original manual processes into automated processing, become very precise and quick.

Especially recommended brushing method

Flexible brush your teeth every day we all know the importance of brushing, but also know the vertical brush your teeth, but some people do not know why, so some people brush their teeth like monks chanting and just. Brush to brush along the teeth, that is vertical brush your teeth, but brush your teeth, we often feel, easy to exert oneself vertical brushing, it is difficult to brush clean the tooth surface dirt. In fact, brushing is a free, flexible activities, as long as you know why to brush your teeth, all problems would be solved. On the basis of the vertical brush, brush with the ring and appropriate cross-brush, will be able to achieve the purpose of cleaning teeth.

Exhaustive tooth structure is complex; mechanically brushing the teeth is very easy to miss some important parts. Therefore, people brush their teeth, be sure to turn a blind eye meditation, fully imagined toothbrush in the mouth of the movement, at any time "command" in the teeth dental supplies of each side brush full movement, and keep enough time, frequency and intensity, so as to achieve the purpose of all the teeth clean.

Note that "over the water" several times to thoroughly rinse the laundry to clean, brush your teeth as well. However, many people brush their teeth often overlooked this point. While the tooth surface are toothpaste clean off dirt, but it did not completely leave the tooth surface, and only repeated brushing several times with water to a mixture of these sticky cleaned.

Please check the tongue, the tongue is the most flexible and active in human organs, feel the most sensitive, it can reach almost all tooth surfaces. It's sensitive sensory function, can be good to us, "reporting" and brushing teeth surface finish of the effect. So, when we, after brushing their teeth, your tongue may wish to check.

Remind the scientific method of brushing teeth against loss, if you order to make the teeth white and maintain a long hard brush, then it should from now on to change this How to cure trigeminal neuralgia practice. Recent studies have found that if you want to brush the teeth as white as pearls, just brush a day with moderate force two minutes, instead of scrub five to ten minutes. Because the two methods of brushing the results obtained is the same.

Thursday 19 January 2012

Oral Health - Dental Equipment

Dental calculus is an accomplice of periodontal disease, when left on the surface of the teeth to remove food residue has not been, it will absorb the minerals in saliva and the tooth surface to form a hard sediment, which is the dental calculus. The formation of dental calculus just mostly yellow, soft texture, once they form a long hard black stone, regardless of hardware and software are not the same as with a toothbrush to remove plaque, required by the dentist to scaling machine wash. Usually near the dental calculus is easy to grow on the surface of the teeth and gums between the teeth and other difficult to clean the place, often hiding in the bacteriological tartar below the gum groove release dental supplies of toxins caused by periodontal destruction, formation of periodontal disease, it is generally more than we recommended once every six months to wash dental calculus, now usually use ultrasonic scaling machine scaling of dental calculus in addition to shock, if necessary, then spoon Couch including the Ministry of tartar deep.

Although the teeth become clean after scaling, if so ignore the clean, tartar will soon grow back, so regular brushing and flossing are still necessary.

Scaling process is usually a bit sore, inflamed the situation worse, or if the tartar is not a long times to wash a lot of people more likely to shed blood. This is possible. After scaling the bloody situation usually gradually disappear within a day or two, if they can maintain good oral hygiene, brush your teeth before the bleeding phenomenon of scaling can be most seen in about a week Tonsillitis also raises the issue of bad breath automatically. If the bleeding still localized, the physician must carefully check whether your teeth or gums, periodontal disease has been deep there are still remnants of dental calculus.

After scaling the teeth sensitive to hot and cold feel a bit sore, which had a temporary brush easy bleeding symptoms and the case will usually disappear in a week or so. If pain symptoms persist consider the market as anti-sensitivity toothpaste Shoo X set, etc., will improve with more than a month or so.

After scaling the teeth often appear long, the teeth often appear larger, mainly due to inflammation of the gums not swollen gums due to health after recovery, which is a good sign, do not worry.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

How to prevent mouth ulcers?

Although the treatment of oral ulcers a lot, but basically symptomatic treatment, the main purpose is to relieve pain or reduce relapse frequency, relapse is difficult to completely control, oral ulcers and personal fitness in large part related to this park, to completely avoid its occurrence is unlikely, but if you try to avoid triggers, Zhang can reduce the incidence. The can thus is dental supplies particularly important to prevent the disease. In life should pay attention to the following aspects pay attention to oral hygiene, to avoid damage of oral mucosa to ensure adequate sleep, avoid fatigue: to feel comfortable, optimistic, cheerful, to avoid anxiety.

Note that if personal health and nutritional balance regularity. Refrain from smoking, doing physical exercise, diet should be light, eat more fruits and vegetables, to keep Understanding of oral structure stool and prevent constipation. Women before and after menstruation to ~ work is intended to rest, be happy, to avoid fatigue, to reduce the occurrence of oral ulcers.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

About root canal treatment pulpitis

Often the rule than the root canal treatment of teeth with "pumping nerve" to equate, in fact, not identical, because not only is the only nerve in the pulp only, there are blood vessels and other tissue, and complete root canal treatment it not only deprived of the nerve, including root canal debridement, expand, filling and other complex and addressed to the steps.

When the pulp chamber was violated, as the most visible tooth decay, tooth decay, severe bacterial invasion to the pulp tissue inflammation; or external injury, tooth fracture, leading to a violation of the pulp; and other chemical, physical stimulation, can also cause inflammation to the dental instruments pulp tissue necrosis, when the tooth root canal treatment must be acceptable.

Can be divided into acute and chronic pulpitis; acute pulpitis, the tooth will be spontaneous and continuous throbbing pain, most patients will not stand, and to find a dentist for treatment. Chronic pulpitis, the relatively mild symptoms or no symptoms, the patient neglect or do not know who. Pulp inflammation, gradually leading to pulp necrosis will produce toxins and cause lesions around the root tip, such as meningitis apical weeks, periapical abscess, or even causing facial cellulitis and A shared experience of dental patients periapical cysts. These diseases are caused by the pulp necrosis, only receive a complete root canal treatment can be resolved.

The way root canal treatment can be divided into two categories: non-surgical and surgical.

Surgical root canal treatment is generally not in the non-surgical treatment of treatment or periapical lesion is too large (eg, cysts), or root defects need repair, the last use. General procedures include: cyst, apical dissection and resection of scraping, root resection, root repair. In general, apical surgery to be about an hour or so, most of the clinic can do, no hospitalization.

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Which dental implant and all-ceramic is good?

Hospital Dental Center experts say: all-ceramic dental implant and the strengths and weaknesses, in the end choose to implant or porcelain teeth also need the patient's oral situation to make a decision, we take a look and all-ceramic dental implant with the various characteristics.

All-ceramic tooth right? All-ceramic dental benefits:

First, transparency: This is the porcelain teeth impossible task, because the metal in the crown of the opaque, opaque porcelain covered metal substrate required, affecting restoration of transparency, making the porcelain beauty, there are clear chalk color, pale. All porcelain teeth are used with good transparency and high refractive index of the strength of the solution inside the crown this beauty chronic, pushing the neck can also achieve good aesthetic results.

Second, healthy gums: metal known as nickel-chromium base metal, the more severe gum irritation, some people (especially women) to their allergies, causing gum dental supplies swelling, bleeding, and even precious metals also allergic patients; all-ceramic tooth is basically did not find sensitive cases.

Third, gingival discoloration: oxidation of the metal in the oral cavity to form a gray oxide, deposited on the edge of the gums, causing gum grayed out, affect the appearance; all-ceramic tooth is no such problem.

Fourth, the combination of inside and outside the crown: the combination of metal and porcelain is the weak link, often you can see porcelain and metal stripping, exposing gray metal case. Inside and outside of all-ceramic dental crown is all ceramic, porcelain and ceramic Dental implant compared to what advantage combination will not happen.

Fifth, will not cause wear and tear: porcelain crown is greater than the hardness of enamel, the teeth can cause wear on the jaw. The all-ceramic tooth enamel hardness and approximation, does not cause jaw tooth wear.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

How to avoid the dangers of dental implant?

Dental Implant stability than traditional dentures worn, solid, true shape of teeth, dental implant beautiful and comfortable, no foreign body sensation, does not affect the pronunciation. However, as long as surgery, improper operation may cause harm, how to avoid implant risks? Beauty to how to do it? Here we asked the experts to elaborate on dental implant surgery.

First, the beauty who should be the right choice of hospital and specialist treatment, we must first choose a regular, strong technical force hospitals to carry dental supplies out implant surgery, a physician must go through formal training.

Second, physicians should understand the beauty of dental implant people with the knowledge and precautions, clear dental implant tooth loss for your specific situation to get what kind of effect, and a good match with the physician.

Finally, physicians should understand the beauty who used to approval Youth Orthodontics documents for clinical use. Patients to their physician about the use of dental implant products to protect their legitimate rights, violation of laws and regulations to prevent a small number of physicians, the loss of medical ethics, the use of fake and shoddy products cause harm to patients.

Expert Tip: dental implant can withstand normal chewing forces, functional and aesthetically pleasing and almost the same as natural teeth. Dental implant surgery is a good choice.

Monday 9 January 2012

Pediatric infectious VSV

Some baby fever, drooling, began to see the oral cavity lesions, usually seen two or three days the tongue, gums, cheek and palate mucosa redness swelling, into the group appeared dense, transparent small pinhead blisters . These small blisters soon burst, with the emergence of rotten mouth, decreased body temperature often, if not secondary infection, usually about 1 week will slowly recover.

This disease is called herpes simplex medical steatites, usually 6 months to 2 years old the kids are prone to this disease, but most of the more serious symptoms. Transmitted through saliva, or in the nursery at home in easy fashion.

Do not underestimate the herpes simplex steatites, it is a systemic disease, often involving the cornea, skin and genitalia. Can sometimes lead to corneal perforation dental supplies and even blindness. In some cases, the body can also occur disseminated herpes simplex, herpes simplex encephalitis or even.

Had the disease should seek immediate medical attention, local ulcer with Bingpeng San, etc., can play analgesic, soothing, can promote lesion healing. Best to use an alkaline solution of 3% sodium bicarbonate mouthwash, such as mouthwash can swab the baby is too Children's dental deformities caused by food small will not rubbed. If infection can be cleaned with 3% hydrogen peroxide and then rinse the mouth or coated with sodium bicarbonate solution. Children should be isolated to prevent infection.

Sunday 8 January 2012

Children have to be careful long bad habits

Many parents believe that children sucking fingers is a lovely move, but will most bacteria into the mouth, so no big deal. Experts warn dot com oral teeth: bad habits of children parents should take it seriously, a lot of teeth Malocclusion is caused by these bad habits.

Dental experts pointed out that 10 people were there 4 is Malocclusion, childhood bad habits is the "killer" one. Malocclusion, including dentition, the mandibular arch malocclusion, jaw position inconsistent, etc., often has overlapping teeth and so on.

Experts said that he had contact with a case made him a profound understanding of dental prevention and treatment should start small. Xiaomei is a 7-year-old girl, maxillary protrusion, jaw protrusion, like a bird, like the mouth, the parents have a child but that child has the habit of Yaoxia Chun did not care, but later found face and starts to behave abnormally, but with a lot of ways dental supplies not effective. Came to the hospital by a medical examination, the child is bad habits caused by mandibular protrusion. After a year of treatment in the hospital, the child's face and finally back to normal.

Oral bad habits do you have children at home

Experts said that tongue is a common bad habit, because the permanent teeth when the teeth are not comfortable, the children always involuntarily licking teeth out soon, which will cause the teeth sparse, and tilt outward. Chew on pencils, nails will be artificially "depressed" Children are growing teeth; sucking the cheeks on both sides of the arch will not fully developed, resulting in a narrow face; Yaoxia Chun will maxillary protrusion, bite the upper lip is the lower jaw protrusion, causing "to package-day"; often Tulsa make facial growth asymmetry.

In addition, the child's teeth, the jaw is in a growth stage, unilateral chewing will make unilateral jaw dysplasia. "As always with the right hand, right arm stronger, this is the use and disuse, often unilateral chewing, excessive muscle fullness on one side, the other side of the contraction, the formation of distorted face, side face. Upper and lower teeth do not normally bite, facial muscles fatigue, there snapping temporomandibular joint symptoms. "According to experts, often with the side of the teeth due to too heavy a burden, so that the tooth surface wear, resulting in What is acute serous apical dentin hypersensitivity or pulpitis, but not often chew side will lose self-cleaning, easy accumulation of tartar, tooth decay and other periodontal diseases appear. "The child is usually unilateral chew because there is caries or pulpitis teeth on one side, chewing pain. It may be premature loss of primary molars on one side, had to use the other side. Then the parents should bring the child for medical treatment."

Friday 6 January 2012

The advantage of root canal treatment pulpitis

Root canal treatment is the common method of treatment of oral diseases, in the treatment of pulpitis achieved good results, many patients by patients at home.

Dental professionals to doctors, root canal treatment is the main principle of the root canal by removing the necrotic material, proper disinfection, root canal filling to achieve the removal of the contents of the apical root canal surrounding tissue adverse stimulus, prevent apical weeks of disease or to promote healing of a periapical lesion treatment. Pulpitis with root canal treatment the following main advantages:

Eliminate the spread of the lesion, reconstruction of the health of teeth

Root canal treatment can not only fight root canal bacteria and their decomposition products and toxins, and can be treated root tip of the surrounding tissue trauma, root around to promote tissue repair and healing, eliminate the source of infection of oral lesions.

Reduce the patient's pain, to prevent the spread of infection

Have teeth pulpitis teeth will continue to deteriorate, and finally to the tooth pulp necrosis, and even around the root tip lesions, this process is very painful, and dental supplies root canal treatment can not only reduce the patient's pain, and shorten the course of the disease to prevent disease progression.

As far as possible to avoid the removal of teeth

The purpose of root canal treatment save the tooth pulp in the root tip or the surrounding tissue, so that the teeth have been infringed, still in a good state of health in its support organization, to avoid the removal or destruction continue to deteriorate to the fate of collapse.

High for success.

Currently, all tooth pulp therapy, root canal treatment is very high success rate of treatment, the treatment is different from the dry pulp, plastics treatment, air traffic control treatment, the success rate of over 94% of today's full- devaluation of the world's dental pulp dental treatment.

Thus selection of root canal therapy treatment for pulpitis is Talk about root canal treatment of deciduous teeth no better, doctors advise patients in dental root canal treatment of a doctor's qualifications and equipment of health are very high demand, it is recommended in patients root canal treatment to select a regular oral health care institutions for treatment.

Health hazards of oral problems

1. Oral ulcers: oral bacteria caused by the local tissue ulceration of the tongue, occurs when there is tenderness, burning sensation, when the body is angry, ill or immunocompromised easy to repeated attacks. Cancer rate of 3-5% long-term ulcers.

2. Bleeding gums: Because periodontal disease, dental calculus cause, brush your teeth, biting hard objects when touched on the bleeding. Gingival recession will lead to long-term bleeding, loose teeth, but also lead to physical illness such as cardiovascular, diabetes and so on.

3. Swollen gums: gums caused by bacteria gather acute local inflammation, swelling and pain to the gums, mouth chewing is limited, impact on daily life.

4. Black and yellow teeth: crown surrounding the formation of dental plaque bacteria aggregation, adhesion to the tooth surface, so that the dental supplies teeth turn yellow or black, seriously affecting the image, not to be a long process that will corrode the enamel, making teeth brittle, mineralization.

5. Bad Breath: Bad breath is due to the majority of oral diseases, oral hygiene is poor, due to the breeding of bacteria, bad breath is usually associated with periodontal disease groups, bleeding gums, tooth decay and other oral problems.

6. Tooth decay (dental caries): dental disease most likely due to oral bacteria caused by the release of acid corrosion of the teeth to cause irreversible damage to the teeth, but also lead to tooth extraction, the main reason for tooth loss.

7. Tooth sensitivity: a result of the surface of the tooth enamel is damaged or exposed roots caused by gum recession caused by the encounter cold, hot, sour, sweet and sharp extrinsic stimulation of pain, seriously affecting the normal diet.

8. Gingivitis: a large number of bacteria aggregate to form dental plaque, tartar, often stimulate the gums leading to gum inflammation, an Talk about root canal treatment of deciduous teeth early manifestation: bleeding, swelling, pain, continues to deteriorate there periodontitis, gingival recession, and even tooth loss.

9. Periodontitis: a large number of oral bacteria can not be timely cleared, deep penetration into the gums, gums and teeth in the case of the formation of periodontal pocket peel, serious situation happened with suppuration, pus. Periodontal disease is not treated in time, soon gingival recession, tooth loose, fall off.

Thursday 5 January 2012

Dental surgery does not affect the life of orthodontics

Clinically, there are a lot of people are worried about the surgery would affect orthodontic tooth life. In fact, surgical orthodontics will not reduce the life of the teeth, on the contrary, in many cases can be extended tooth life.

Surgical orthodontic technique known as "dental surgery Orthodontics" or "dental surgery is cosmetic surgery", is surgical correction of adults (18 years) of the teeth and alveolar process of the dislocation deformity. Childhood dentition abnormalities, due to physical growth and development period are the most suitable as the traditional method of wearing orthodontic treatment. As the jaw has stopped development of adults, although most still use this method treatment, but often require 1 to 2 years or even longer to complete treatment, some deformities such as upper and lower alveolar prognathism, you can not use non-traditional surgical methods to achieve the desired effect, and in surgical orthodontic patients can be completed within 2 to 3 hours treatment, the normal work week can work, study, so popular with the United States who welcome.

As dental surgery is being cut with a bone knife to open the bone segment sizes of teeth slightly shift the teeth aligned, not to unplug or turn the back teeth together, move the teeth dental supplies and alveolar bone as a whole, so in ordinary circumstances under the teeth will not move, nor will the loss of alveolar bone. It will not affect the life of the teeth.

Orthodontic orthognathic surgical treatment can be effective separation of anterior teeth and the alveolar bone to correct severe protrusion, improve gingival exposed, treatment stability, security firm. Some conditions (such as crowded teeth, lock jaw, the alveolar protrusion, anti-jaw, etc.) do surgical orthodontics, due to improved dental occlusion to avoid food impaction and other reasons, can eliminate the trauma jaw and add periodontal disease, caries disease occurs, make the teeth more well-being and more long-term preservation, thus prolonging the life of the teeth.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

How the effect of blasting cleaning teeth

Blast cleaning teeth is another way of cleaning teeth. Salt and sand is made ​​of special high pressure is combined with water to further clean the teeth. Ultrasonic scaling calculus can only vibration under large mouth, and sandblasting can attached to the teeth of tea scale, dirt and food debris smoke cleared factoring clean, spraying sand is very clean teeth whitening, and re-deposition of calculus is not easy, so scaling, and blasting conjunction. We recommend: blasting clean the teeth as the teeth to protect the best way to save time and money and health.

Sandblasting is a good teeth cleaning effect. As the sand is sprayed perpendicular to the teeth, the tooth surface so that any part of the pigment will be sprayed off, exposing the original white color of teeth. Even in the tooth groove fossa pigment, as long as the sand in place, the dental supplies same can be removed clean. This method is especially suitable for cleaning ultrasonic scaler is not easy to reach tooth gap in the plaque and pigment spots, pigmentation of the tooth surface for cleaning efficiency much higher than the ultrasonic scaler.

Cosmetic dental experts remind you: blasting clean teeth within a week to avoid eating cold, hot and spicy food and strong, try to drink less beverage with Common method of teeth whitening a pigment, please try not smoking and drinking. After scaling, please keep brushing the right way to maintain oral hygiene, so as to maintain our long-term oral health.

Monday 2 January 2012

Teeth whitening: an effective method of whitening teeth

White teeth white teeth whitening technology dental technology by the U.S. R & D, for the current latest and most advanced teeth whitening technology. It whitening, based on the first hydrogen peroxide plus potassium nitrate and fluoride combination of white, breaking the limitations of traditional whitening, to overcome the traditional teeth whitening pain when, after whitening gum allergy dilemma. With a fast and efficient, protect teeth, comfortable painless, long lasting and so on. Consumers quickly become the preferred tooth whitening.

According to the Dental Hospital of experts, teeth whitening technology through the oxidant hydrogen peroxide in small molecules penetrate through the enamel and dentin to all parts of the teeth, to move between columns in a small enamel, tooth discoloration of the dental supplies clean decomposition of pigment molecules. Tooth structure does not change the case, 15 minutes to produce whitening effect. Teeth whitening to tooth color into 29 color, greatly improving the accuracy of teeth whitening, whitening immediate, one hour with white teeth.

Teeth whitening teeth whitening technology through the oxidizer, fluoride agents to protect the teeth. Role of fluoride agents closed dentinal tubules, preventing the teeth during the treatment of external injuries, prompting new enamel, teeth whitening after the "firmly rooted" stronger after whitening, dental caries Glister. To increase the hardness of enamel, to form a protective, making the original unhealthy teeth after whitening has become even more healthy, natural, full of vitality.

There are many nerves and blood vessels in the pulp, the traditional method of whitening bleach teeth and light will cause dehydration, dehydration caused by sensitive teeth (sour, fear of cold) and pain, severe gum may cause some capillary congestion, swelling. Teeth whitening Ceramic dental materials introduced technology in the potassium nitrate to prevent nerve cells in the treatment of pain. There was no damage to the gums, teeth, shorter treatment time and reduce the mouth is a long, comfortable and painless.

Whitening teeth whitening technology in the protection of the principle of increase, the fluorinating agent to promote the formation of new tooth enamel protection, over-oxidant whitening effect can be more obvious, after the teeth whitening can be more effectively protected. As long as the customer after whitening, teeth do not bother to use live food items that are harmful damage, whitening effect lasts 3-5 years. With neat white teeth, blooming confident smile.